Durable computing - A game changer for distributed systems
In order to create robust and reliable distributed systems, we know it’s important to embrace failure and to incorporate this into our design. Failure to do so can lead to a system that is fragile, unpredictable, and expensive to maintain.
While there are practices like Domain-Driven Design that help minimize unnecessary distribution, it remains a challenging task to design distributed systems that offer certain consistency guarantees. This is where the paradigm of durable computing comes into play, revolutionizing the way we approach distributed systems.
Picture a scenario where a distributed request is guaranteed to reach its destination, even in the face of network and hardware failures. The request can be stateful and will not simply timeout after a certain period of time.
Now, take a moment to consider the profound implications of such a guarantee. Think about the current programming models and the intricate steps you have to take to ensure data integrity and reliability in a distributed system. Compare that to a world where durable computing is the norm.
This is something that a company called Golem Cloud (https://www.golem.cloud) are currently offering and I’m excited to see if more will follow…